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Pengalaman Kuliah di STMIK PGRI TANGERANG

Pengalaman Kuliah di STMIK PGRI TANGERANG
Pertama kali saat
ospek sudah terasa seperti keluarga. Pengurus BEM juga Dosen disana mudah sekali bergaul beliau-beliau mengikuti perkembangan jaman. Selepas ospek begitu KBM mulai berlangsung kami diberi bimbingan pembelajaran sangat menarik. dosen yang low profile dan selalu memberi motivasi kepada mahasiswa/i untuk selalu haus akan belajar meskipun disisi materi sudah -dibilang mencukupi. Maklum Mahasiswa/i disana rata-rata sudah memiliki pekerjaan.Dosen disana sangat terbuka kepada mahasiswa/i nya apabila ingin menanyakan hal yang bersifat positif bagi mahasiswa/i nya meskipun diluar jam kuliah. Jadi saya sangat bersyukur dapat kuliah di STMIK PGRI yang haus pelajaran seperti saya. Untuk teman-teman yang ingin mengetahui lebih dalam tentang STMIK PGRI TANGERANG silahkan kunjungi webnya di


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BE AWARE INSTALLING A SOFTWARE Halo guys.. I just wanna notice you to be caution for browsing, downloading and run direct any software from a website. Altough, If you are used an anti-virus on your devices. Last summer I just get ringing from my f’ck friend. He ask me about browser on his poor laptop. He was told me his browser on a weird way. Everytime he open any browser on his laptop it direct into unwanted homepage. Not only homepage! Everytime he search for any keyword on it redirect to what fck that animal? Yeah we could said. that the browser were under control by “hijacker” !! like a annoyed virus! But not virus. Like Malware but not a Malware.   So, What is Hijacker?? In this case is very very uncomfortable. Cause Hijacker may be change our default setting connection and lock the setting to their server, and may intercept and track your web searches data. The “hijacker” will not burn your laptop or get your system on dangerous way. H